Ambulatory Phlebectomy: 5 Things to Consider Before Agreeing to the Procedure

What is Ambulatory Phlebectomy?
An ambulatory phlebectomy is an outpatient procedure that can help to successfully remove the superficial veins in the legs that are twisted and bulging by using small incisions in the skin. This treatment option is a good choice for those who want to treat both asymptomatic and symptomatic varicose veins. It is often used for larger veins and rarely used for smaller veins such as spider veins.
5 Things You Should Know About Ambulatory Vein Phlebectomy
Here are five useful facts about ambulatory phlebectomy treatment that you should know before you have the procedure. This will help you to better understand what occurs during treatment.
Ambulatory Phlebectomy Is the Best Option for Bulging Veins
Ambulatory phlebectomy is a great option for bulging veins that are close to the skin’s surface. That is because the vein can be completely removed from the body during the treatment. When that occurs, all the symptoms associated with the bulging veins are immediately resolved.
It is a Minimally Invasive Procedure
An ambulatory phlebectomy procedure is minimally invasive. The surgical procedure only requires a small incision to be made and the use of a local anesthetic. Because it is minimally invasive, the treatment can be provided at our office so that you don’t have to visit a surgical center. There is no use of general anesthesia required. And there is no need for an overnight stay at the hospital. Patients are able to return home the same day as the procedure.
Recovery Time is Usually Quick
The recovery time for an ambulatory phlebectomy is generally very quick. Patients are able to go back home the same day as their treatment. It is common to experience some slight pain following the procedure. It is also likely for patients to notice some swelling or bruising nearby the incision site. Those who have ambulatory phlebectomy are advised to wear compression socks or stockings after they return home. Most patients are able to return back to their usual activities within 24 hours after the procedure.
Complications are Rare
While it is non-invasive, ambulatory phlebectomy is still a surgical procedure. And with all surgical procedures, there are some risks involved. This treatment carries a small risk of risks and complications. The possible issues that patients may have following the treatment include having an allergic reaction to the anesthetic that was used, bruising and infection at the site, nerve injury, or inflammation. Patients who have any of these complications will need to report them to us here at BASS Vein Center immediately.
Ambulatory Phlebectomy is Not the Only Option for Varicose Veins
Although it is one of the best treatment options for varicose veins, ambulatory phlebectomy is not the only option out there. Other treatment options available to our patients include laser treatment, sclerotherapy, and radiofrequency ablation therapy. Mild cases of varicose veins may respond well to non-invasive treatment options and at-home care. Self-care options for varicose veins include diet and increased exercise, elevating the legs whenever it is possible, and wearing compression socks or stockings. To choose the best option for your varicose vein treatment, you should schedule an appointment with one of our vein specialists.
We Offer Varicose Veins Ambulatory Phlebectomy Treatment
If you are interested in learning more about vein phlebectomy and other forms of treatment for varicose veins in the East Bay Area, consult with our experts here at BASS Vein Center for more details. We have several vein specialists on staff who are ready to help you.