Michael W. deBoisblanc
Dr. Michael deBoisblanc specializes in treating varicose veins and other vascular issues for residents of Alamo, Contra Costa County, and the East Bay Area.
Michael W. deBoisblanc
accepting new patients
Dr. Michael deBoisblanc is a highly accredited general surgeon in the East Bay Area. His interests include advanced laparoscopic procedures, complex GI surgeries, laparoscopic herniorrhaphy, and other general surgical procedures (including endocrine surgery, breast surgery, vascular, oncologic, and minor pediatric procedures). Dr. deBoisblanc has been a trauma surgeon at John Muir since beginning his practice and currently is the Medical Director of the Trauma Program. Dr. deBoisblanc is also a founding member of the BASS Vein Center located in Walnut Creek.
Take the First Step to Ending Annoying Varicose Vein Discomfort.
More than 40 million people in the United States suffer from varicose veins, so you're not alone.
Boost Your Confidence
Perfect Legs
Eliminate the Pain
Healthy Veins